How Do You Make Medical Decisions?

Posted by jonathan on 2/7/2017 to News
How Do You Make Medical Decisions?

As patients and caregivers, we have more sources of medical information available to us than ever before to help us make the best decisions possible for our health.

Advice from our doctors is sometimes not the same as the information we learn from the experiences of our peers, and there are often other sources of information available as well. Some of our decisions feel like big or serious decisions, while others do not. And sometimes, medical decisions have to be made quickly or under pressure. When the stakes are high – life and death, even – it could be scary to think you might make the wrong decision even if there is no clear ‘right’ one.

Recently, I was in a horrific car accident. It was 3 days before Christmas and I was on my way up to Lebanon NH(about an hour drive) to see the Lyme specialist. It was snowing lightly at home and with 4-wheel drive, I decided I would make an attempt to keep my appointment. The further north I went the worse it got...

How is a Wig Made?

Posted by Jonathan on 12/9/2016 to News
As we have talked before in a previous blog (history of wigs),A wig is a head covering made from human, animal or synthetic fiber. The word wig is short for periwig and first appeared in the English language around 1675. Some people wear wigs to disguise baldness; a wig may be used as a less intrusive and less expensive alternative to medical therapies for restoring hair. Wigs may also be used as an article of apparel, or to fulfill a religious obligation. Actors often wear costume wigs in order to portray characters. There are two methods of attaching hair to wigs. The first and

How Do I Get My Wig Paid for if I Have Medical Induced Hair Loss?

Posted by Jonathan on 4/9/2016 to News
First, let's start with what medically induced hair loss is.( MIHL) is hair loss that is caused by any medical condition such as Cancer, Alopecia, tetracyclominia, or even medications which cause hair loss. The first step to do is to talk to your doctor to see how fast you will lose your hair...

How do I take care of my wig?

Posted by Jonathan on 3/2/2016 to Wig Care

The first thing you need to remember is that if you have purchased a synthetic wig, that synthetic is made of fiber. So just like a sweater, you must treat it delicately...

The Male Hair Loss Revolution

Posted by Jonathan on 3/2/2016 to Wig Care

Bald is sexy, bald is beautiful…. We have all heard this haven’t we? When I was young, I had hair that most men and women would die for. It was bright red, with a slight beautiful curl, thick, luxurious and the envy of all my friends in highschool and college. Women would come up to me in the mall and tell me i had beautiful hair and asked me if my red was natural or did i color it. I was not the model type, if you know what i mean in the looks department, so my hair was everything to me.

Wig Fashion Madness

Posted by Jonathan on 3/2/2016 to Wig Care
"Entertainment tonight" featured a segment on daily fashion wigs a few weeks ago which fits with my blog the week before (see fashion wigs). As Ive said in my previous blog, more and more men and women are wearing Wigs or hairpieces as part of their daily life. If you walk in the mall,really look at people's hair as you will start to notice who is wearing one and who isn't. Some styles you can tell are wigs which means that they either picked out the wrong style for their face shape, or the piece was not costumed.