Medical Cannibus and Cancer

Posted by on 11/30/2016 to News
Medical Cannibus and Cancer

Most Smokin' Lyric: "You ignite me and I'll ignite you / And once all the sheets burn, baby / I've got some more bamboo / And when the smoke clears / Lady, still my eyes focus on you / Huff and puff some of my funk stuff / Prove my point that I am the joint"

Clearly, the song lyrics above are talking about pot, or cannibus, the official name for pot (or marijuana). I don't think I need to go into why pot has been so popular over the years, except to say, that people use it to get “high” or a euphoric feeling. An escape from reality. It has been heavily used in the (party) scene. During the 60's and 70's when drugs flooded our country in the “age of Aquarius”, or free love period, people used drugs like children eat candy. From wall street to main street. Being illegal all these years,, our society was so flooded with Pot, it became big business to sell it. Ever wonder what happens to all the pot they take off the streets? I don't mean to indicate any illegal activities on any community, but pot has put many people in jail for a very long time and has been politically controlled and regulated. Before we go into what medical Cannibus is, here are a few reasons a lot of people feel it should be legalized.

Reduce harm

The criminalization of marijuana use disproportionately harms young people and people of color, sponsors massive levels of violence and corruption, and fails to curb youth access.

Create jobs

Legalizing and regulating marijuana will bring one of the nation's largest cash crops under the rule of law. This will create jobs and economic opportunities in the formal economy instead of the illicit market.

Save money
Scarce law enforcement resources will be better used to ensure public safety while reducing corrections and court costs( clogging the courts with non-violent crimes ). State and local governments would acquire significant new sources of tax revenue from regulating marijuana sales.

Promote consumer safety
Marijuana product testing is becoming a standard requirement for legalized marijuana markets. This means consumers are better informed about the marijuana they use.

Regulations and control.

Because Cannibus has been traditionally a politically and racially charged subject, legalizing it would reduce the “mystique” of the drug. There are literally millions of people who are in sever pain and depend on prescription drugs to control their pain. After a while, their bodies get used to these drugs and that's why in the past 10 years, the medical community has discovers and investigated ways of fixing the national epidemic of drug abuse by developing cannibus for medical use.

Changing Consequences of a Marijuana Arrest

A marijuana arrest is no small matter. Most people are handcuffed, placed in a police car, taken to a police station, fingerprinted and photographed, held in jail for 24 hours or more, arraigned before a judge,and branded with a permanent criminal record that can easily be found on the internet by employers, landlords, schools, credit agencies and banks. Marijuana Arrests Have Skyrocketed.

Marijuana arrests are the engine driving the U.S. war on drugs. In 2014, there were 700,993 marijuana arrests in the U.S. roughly45 percent of all drug arrests. The vast majority (88 percent)of these arrests were for simple possession, not sale or manufacture. There are more arrests for marijuana possession every year than for all violent crimes combined.

These arrests overwhelmingly affect young people of color. According to government data, drug use and drug selling occur at similar rates across racial and ethnic groups. Yet black and Latino individuals are arrested for marijuana possession or selling marijuana at vastly disproportionate rates. In fact, black people were nearly four times more likely to be arrested for possession than white people in 2010.The Costs and Consequences of Marijuana Arrests,Although some states have reduced penalties for marijuana possession, others still have extremely harsh laws on the books. In Florida, for example, possession of an ounce can be punished with five years in prison and a fine of $6,000 yet manslaughter in my state (New Hampshire) with good behavior, one will be out in the same amount of time .

In Arizona, possession of any amount of marijuana is a felony. In at least two thirds of U.S. states, marijuana possession can still lead to jail time .Many of those arrested spend time behind bars

awaiting arraignment. Thousands of others on parole or probation are locked up for failing a drug test. In general, for the user in the past, it has been a very expensive lesson .

Special note:..(since 1980) According to the FBI, 236,438,421 million people have been arrested for possession of Cannibus. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but don't we have 310.000.000 people in the US. This is mind boggling.

History of cannibus

But there is a whole other use for Marijuana. Lets travel back in time thousands of years ago, where the “gatherer's”, the vikings, Ancient China and pre-modern German's used Cannibus for pain relief for Child birth, tooth ache's and spiritual purposes. They used it in it's pure form straight from the Plant itself. It was not diluted and no chemicals were added what so ever. The idea that Cannibus is a bad drug and should be illegal is something new in modern times due to it's misuse and synthetic additives. The fact that it has become illegal goes against the ancient (premodern) times ."Cannabis seeds have also been found in the remains of Viking ships dating to the mid-ninth century."

Over the next centuries, cannabis migrated to various regions of the world, traveling through Africa, reaching South America in the 19th century and being carried north afterwards, eventually reaching North America. Barney Warf, an American History professor did an in depth study on the history of Marijuana and discovered how it came into the United States.

Cannabis came to the Middle East between 2000 B.C. and 1400 B.C., and it was probably used there by the Scythians, a nomadic Indo-European group. The Scythians also likely carried the drug into southeast Russia and Ukraine, as they occupied both territories for years, according to Warf's report. Germanic tribes brought the drug into Germany, and marijuana went from there to Britain during the 5th century with the Anglo-Saxon invasions.

How did marijuana get to the United States?(Barney Warf reports-source)

{After this really long "trip" throughout the pre-modern and modern worlds, cannabis finally came to the United States at the beginning of the 20th century. It arrived in the southwest United States from Mexico, with immigrants fleeing that country during the Mexican Revolution of 1910-1911.

"Many early prejudices against marijuana were thinly veiled racist fears of its smokers, often promulgated by reactionary newspapers," Warf wrote in his report. "Mexicans were frequently blamed for smoking marijuana, property crimes, seducing children and engaging in murderous sprees."

Americans laws never recognized the difference between Cannabis sativa L. and Cannabis sativa. The plant was first outlawed in Utah in 1915, and by 1931 it was illegal in 29 states, according to the report.

In 1930, Harry Aslinger became the first commissioner of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics (FBN) and undertook multiple efforts to make marijuana illegal in all states. In 1937, the Marijuana Tax Act put cannabis under the regulation of the Drug Enforcement Agency, criminalizing possession of the plant throughout the country.

"Today, the federal government still classifies marijuana as a Schedule I controlled substance, along with heroin and LSD, indicating it has high potential for abuse and addiction, no accepted medical uses and no safe level of use," Warf wrote.}

Cannibus dates back 12.000 years which places it as the oldest cultivated health aid we have. Very interesting fact!!!!

Medical Cannibus

After much research on the negative studies of how bad Cannibus is for your health(over use) in its synthetic form,and never having used it myself, I found this short list of bad things it causes to offer, such as:

  1. deaths from marijuana use

  2. Users of Cannibus are more likely to become abusers of other drugs

  3. cannibus users are more likely to have Psychosis.

  4. Over use can cause anger issues

  5. More people have car accidents then those who have used alcohol

and on and on.

Since 1975, they have been studying the effects of medical cannibus, sometimes behind closed curtains due to the fact that cannibus was illegal,and how it can help lessen the effects of sometimes awful side effects of chemo and radiation. Grants were hard to get due to the “nature of the beast”. The studies showed us that if you took the oil (tetrohydrocannibinol or.. THC),it reacts with the androgen receptors(or hormones) to lesson the chemo effects.

As time past, around 2004, studies became almost common place and easy to achieve a grant. And since then, we have opened up a whole new world of information to the point where we now see that Cannibus isn't so bad after all. As the Huffington Post reports in a major article,{The medicinal use of marijuana is well known to be of benefit in the treatment of nausea and other side effects from chemotherapy. It also helps improve the diminished appetite that patients undergoing cancer treatment can experience. It lowers blood pressure in glaucoma patients, decreases spasms and other neurological symptoms in multiple sclerosis, and there is evidence that it is useful in a variety of additional medical conditions. }

What lead the medical community to start to accept cannibus use, was the fact that cannibus was used in the 80's and 90's with HIV patients as an appetite enhancer which seemed to work incredibly well. It was then that we started seeing the positive results.

Marijuana-Infused Products (“Edibles”) - Marijuana-infused products, often referred to as “edibles”, are an important part of the burgeoning marijuana market. A marijuana-infused product refers to any food, drink, tincture or other product infused with marijuana that is often consumed orally. For many consumers, these products are a better option than smoking. Infused products are also vital to people who use marijuana for medical reasons, because their effects last longer and can be manufactured with doses that meet patients’ needs in a reliable way. However, proper regulation is necessary to ensure reliability and safety.

DPA believes that marijuana-infused products should be regulated and tested to ensure safety, quality and accuracy of information, that they should be labeled with detailed information to ensure that consumers are informed about what they are consuming and educated on how to safely consume, and that all edibles should be kept away from children. It goes back to control and regulation.

1. Edibles must be kept away from children. All edibles should be sold and kept in child-

resistant packaging. The packaging on edibles should not be designed to attract or to appeal to children. Edibles should be kept in a secure place that children cannot access. They must be clearly labeled. All edibles should be prominently labeled that they contain marijuana so that they are not accidentally consumed .

  1. Edibles must be tested and satisfy standards for health and safety. All edibles sold should be subject to testing to confirm accuracy in labeling, quality, consistency and the absence of contaminants. All edibles sold should be produced in regulated facilities that meet food production safety standards. When possible, edibles should be packaged to reflect a reasonable or average dose rather than requiring the consumer to divide the product into multiple servings and risk over-consumption.

  2. Consumers must be provided information on edibles and how to safely consume them. All edibles should be sold with information on how to safely consume them, with the direction to only eat one dose and then wait at least one hour before consuming more. (source.. FBI)

Here at AJ'S Wigs, we have quite a few clients who have reported, that being on Medical Cannibus has changed their lives. Because of the vast menu (see below), they now have options as to how they can control their symptoms during treatments. Many report, that medical cannibus has allowed them to not miss a beat at work, nor, have treatments been allowed to interrupt their lives in many way's. I think the big down fall is, that not all insurance carriers cover it, however, you would be surprised at how inexpensive a months supply is as it is totally affordable.

Sample menu

CO2 Wax

Powerful, easy to handle, great aroma & taste

 Great flavor and strong, smooth toke. Cracks easy when kept in refrigerator, handles like modeling clay when warm. Doesn't stick to fingers!

  • Awesome flavor

  • For body pain.


Frankenberry, while not a fruit, is a delicious cereal and a pretty fine strain of weed too. This specific weed is best smoked to relive tension, headaches, or nausea. That being said, Frankenberry is probably an excellent before flight remedy as long as the TSA doesn't make you too paranoid.
The nuggets are dense and colored with splashes of green, purple, and red. The high is long lasting and potent, but not overpowering so you don't have to worry about resigning to the couch after smoking.

Type: Indica
Effects: Relaxed, Happy, Giggly
Cons: Dry Mouth

The list of possibilities goes on and on. orange and blueberry Ice-O-Latte, Bubble gum balls, Coffee Latte's with chocolate shots, brownies, cookies, drinks, candies and on and on, or, you can purchase the actual Cannibus seeds and make your own recipe. Each kind of seed does different things, such as:

      1. Anti inflammatory

      2. Pain management


 For HIV/AIDS patients trying to stay healthy in the face of appetite loss and wasting syndrome, cannabinoid drugs are a viable treatment that do not adversely affect other required medications.


 It seems the medical benefits to this wonder plant are never-ending, as this article will testify.



 Cannabis contains a compound that could help Alzheimer's disease patients…but some researchers feel the risk is greater than the potential reward.



 We all know that marijuana gives us the munchies, and that medical marijuana helps AIDS and cancer patients gain weight, but, can it help anorexics as well?



 The ancient Chinese can't be wrong: cannabis may be able to "undo" rheumatism.



 A new partnership between a biotech firm and an autism activist group may be the first step in reliable data on using medical marijuana to treat autism spectrum disorders.

Brain Tumors

 Again, why is this plant illegal? Oh yeah, because the pharmaceutical companies have the government wrapped around their finger.

Cannabis and Cachexia


 Just as recreational pot smokers get "the munchies," AIDS and cancer patients using medical marijuana often see increased appetites and weight gain.

Cannabis and Cancer


 Nausea is one of the most common side effects of cancer treatment, but marijuana can help ease it, especially since it doesn't have to be swallowed.

Chronic Pain

Chronic Pain

 Why cannabis? It can relieve pain without nausea or other nasty side-effects.

Crohn's Disease

Crohns Disease

 British research shows that cannabis might actually reverse the bowel leakage associated with Crohn's disease.



 Cannabis may be a viable treatment for many forms of clinical depression, including bipolar disorder, where the cycles between depression and manic moods are less frequent while taking the drug.



 Cannabis can help reduce blood sugar, improve blood pressure, and, when used in the kitchen, is incredibly heart-healthy.

Fibromyalgia and Cannabis


 Hooray for Spain for beginning what is the first research to show that cannabis helps with the treatment of fibromyalgia.

Cannabis and Glaucoma


Studies have shown that smoking pot does reduce the intraocular pressure associated with glaucoma, but they also raise concerns about decreased blood pressure and increased heart rates.

High Blood Pressure

 Do you have high blood pressure? Then you may want to talk to a doctor about getting a prescription for medical marijuana to treat that.



 Insomnia is a recognized disease in the medical community. What isn't recognized by most doctors however, is that they don't need pills and sedatives to treat this illness.

Liver Fibrosis

Liver Fibrosis

Instead of having you come up with new justifications for using medical marijuana, why not just legalize this harmless plant?

Mad Cow Disease

Mad Cow Disease

 Start choosing high CBD strains if you're paranoid about contracting Mad Cow Disease.

Cannabis and Migraines


 Cannabis has been prescribed as a treatment for "sick headaches" - migraines - since the 19th century. Today, used with a prevention program, it offers fast, long-lasting relief.

Cannabis and Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis

 Cannabis may not just alleviate MS symptoms. New studies show it may halt the progression of the disease.

Cannabis and Nausea


It may seem surprising, but cannabis can be safely used to ease the nausea associated with morning sickness in pregnancy or nausea associated with Chemo or radiation treatments..

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

 Shown to significantly help with stress, cannabis has been shown to also help with PTSD suffered from military service.

Cannabis and Seizures


 Epileptic patients have said that, after using cannabis with their more conventional prescription drugs, they can wean themselves off the prescriptions and stay seizure-free as long as they continue using cannabis.

Tourettes Syndrome

Tourettes Syndrome

 Though it's not yet on the acceptable conditions list for medical marijuana authorization in any state, both anecdotal and clinical evidence show that Tourette's Syndrome symptoms are eased by cannabis.

In closing, although the insurance industry has not caught up with paying for medical Cannibus,(although some do) it is important to remember, that you still must have a prescription from your Primary care physician oncologist or pain management, in order to purchase cannibus. On another scope of issues, is a lot of primary care physicians will not/refuse to/or do not believe in medical cannibus, however, the silver lining here is, that your PCP must send you to “Pain management” and they will educate and prescribe medical cannibus.