As we fall under the nursing board, we adjusted our in-store practices as follows...
How to navigate medical decisions when diagnosed with cancer
There are so many beliefs out there and everyone has a personal decision to make When first diagnosed with Cancer and believe me, after going thru it in my family many times, I find that everyone's reactions and decision processes are totally different.
My Brother Steve was an active wonderful father of 5 energetic girls and grandfather to 9 at the time(Now 20 grandchildren), intelligent and a man strong in his faith. Steve decided to do treatments but at first after a time it seemed the treatments were almost making...
Should you Get a Second Opinion when Diagnosed with Cancer?
Lyme Disease can Cause Cancer
The Real History of Cancer

When did Cancer first show up?
Most People have thought that Cancer showed up when we started to put hormones in dairy and “meat” cows, started to use pesticides, started to use vaccine programs in Schools, built homes with lead paint or asbestos, and even those who lived in places near power plants, bad water supplies and ..
The Ins and Outs of Lung Cancer - pt. 2
The Ins and Outs of Lung Cancer - pt. 1

March… (Lung cancer awareness month)
I want to start with a story of a beautiful women named Janie Proia who lived with us for almost 6 years. She came to our home and rented a room from us, after a series of broken promises from her ex husband. She had left him 15 years prior, and he never honored the conditions of the divorce court. He changed his name, moved every 6 months and avoided the law. She left him due to his drug use because she wanted to become clean and sober and he didn't. Because of her drug use 15 years prior, she was put on a list, you know, that list where hospitals and doctors use as a warning of drug abuser’s(even though she had been clean and sober for 15 years).She had no family to speak of, so we became her family...
A Breakthrough in Detecting Cancer
How Do You Make Medical Decisions?

As patients and caregivers, we have more sources of medical
information available to us than ever before to help us make the best
decisions possible for our health.
Advice from our doctors is sometimes not the same as the information we learn from the experiences of our peers, and there are often other sources of information available as well. Some of our decisions feel like big or serious decisions, while others do not. And sometimes, medical decisions have to be made quickly or under pressure. When the stakes are high – life and death, even – it could be scary to think you might make the wrong decision even if there is no clear ‘right’ one.
Recently, I was in a horrific car accident. It was 3 days before Christmas and I was on my way up to Lebanon NH(about an hour drive) to see the Lyme specialist. It was snowing lightly at home and with 4-wheel drive, I decided I would make an attempt to keep my appointment. The further north I went the worse it got...
Funny wig stories
I thought id start the year’s blogs off on a light note. Last year, we did 35 blogs, some of which were picked up nationally but were of a serious subject’s. So let’s start off on a light note this year.
Story #1).. Client comes in with her husband for a “play” wig. When we asked if she was going through treatments, her husband answered, No, she isn’t, but I have always wanted to be with a blond and she doesn’t want to color her long hair. Well, her eye went to one of our more expensive wig’s in the salon and we told her that the wig was...